George Remus

Two Truths & a Lie

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George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 1/5

Which of the following did not affect George Remus?

We’re sure the 20th Amendment, and its focus on moving presidential and congressional term dates, was important. But it didn’t do a thing for George Remus, who used the 18th Amendment and subsequent Volstead Act to build his empire.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 2/5

Who was not one of George Remus’ most trusted confidantes?

R.T. Dickerson actually prosecuted George Remus in one of his many trials, alleging he broke a mere few thousand laws. On the other hand, Jess Smith was his connection to those in power, while George Connors was considered King George’s right-hand man.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 3/5

Which distillery did George Remus not purchase?

Two of the distilleries that massively expanded George Remus’ empire were his purchases of the Fleishmann Distillery, known as Death Valley, and the Squibb Distillery, located near the site of our current distillery in Lawrenceburg, Indiana.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 4/5

What did George Remus not give partygoers at his 1922 New Year’s Eve Party?

You don’t become The King of the Bootleggers by giving away your bourbon. And you also don’t get the name King George by giving out subpar party favors. At his 1922 party, he reportedly gave all the men diamond stickpins and the women a new Pontiac car.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 5/25

Which state did George Remus not live in?

When King George and his family first arrived to America, they lived in Baltimore, Maryland, then moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and finally settled in Chicago, Illinois. George would later move to Cincinnati, Ohio to expand his empire.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 6/25

Which home has George Remus not been associated with?

While the Marble Palace served as King George’s home in Cincinnati and the Little Green House was the unofficial headquarters of his Ohio Gang in D.C., the Mansion on Main was one big house King George never resided in.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 7/25

Which nickname did George Remus not have?

George Remus went by King George and The King of the Bootleggers, and while he was a father to his daughter Romola, it’s unlikely he was ever called The Cincinnati Daddy.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 8/25

Which was George Remus not associated with?

Legend has it, the character of Jay Gatsby from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s classic was inspired by George. The King would also appear in Boardwalk Empire, but never took a trip to Alcatraz.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 9/25

Which of the following cities did George Remus not craft whiskey in?

King George owned numerous distilleries throughout the midwest during his reign, but none of them were in Chicago.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 10/25

Which was not in George Remus’ mansion?

King George enjoyed the finer things in life. However, as a teetotaler, he didn’t have much need for a secret distilling room in his home.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 11/25

Which profession did George Remus never practice?

Not only was King George a bootlegger, lawyer, pharmacist and even an optometrist, he never delved into the world of banking. Unless you count his regular, sizeable deposits.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 12/25

Which sport did George Remus not excel at?

King George was a record-setting swimmer and member of the Illinois Athletic Club’s water polo team. However, he never had much interest in the gridiron.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 13/25

Who did George Remus not marry?

Lillian was George’s first wife, and mother to his only daughter, Romola. Blanche, his former assistant, would be his final marriage, spending the rest of his years in Covington, Kentucky with her.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 14/25

Which was not one of George Remus’ parents?

Frank and Marie Remus were the parents of George, and welcomed him into the world on November 13, 1878. Or 1876. Or 1874. King George often changed his birth year to suit his purposes.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 15/25

Which company did George Remus not use as a front?

King George created many drug companies to facilitate his bootlegging empire, and even owned his own trucking company, but none of them were named Sumer.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 16/25

Which college did George Remus not attend?

While King George went to law school and pharmacy school, he was a natural when it came to business.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 17/25

Which area of expertise did George Remus not focus on during his years as an attorney?

King George was made famous in his defense of William Cheney Ellis in 1914, where he pioneered what would become the “temporary insanity” defense. Afterwards, George was inspired to enter the bootlegging game after defending many of them. But divorce was never his forte.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 18/25

Which section of the Volstead Act did George Remus not use?

Remus used Title II, Section 3 to legally buy up pre-war bonded liquor warehouses, and Title II, Section 6 to sell said liquor for “medicinal purposes.” Of course, in order to do so, he had to create shell drug companies, obtain government prescriptions and then hijack his own shipments to take his product off the grid.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 19/25

Which language was King George not fluent in?

While King George quickly adjusted to American life, and English, upon his arrival in 1882, he never forgot his native language, German.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 20/25

Which famous figure was George Remus not associated with?

While George Remus sold his product to Al Capone and also sparred with Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis as an attorney (baseball’s commissioner/judge/jury for the 1919 Chicago Black Sox), King George never crossed paths with Charles Lindbergh

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 21/25

Which ingredient isn’t in a Prohibition-Era Ward 8?

Grape juice has no place near a Ward 8. If you want to make your own, here’s how:

•  2 oz GEORGE REMUS Bourbon
•  .75 oz Lemon Juice
•  .75 oz Orange Juice
•  1 tsp Grenadine
Shake with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 22/25

Which ingredient isn’t in a Prohibition-Era Highball?

There’s no room in a Highball for lemon juice. But if you want to make your own, here’s how:

•  2 oz. GEORGE REMUS Bourbon
•  2-4 oz. Club Soda
Pour over ice and stir.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 23/25

Which garnish isn’t used in a Prohibition-Era Manhattan?

While modern recipes call for a cherry, during Prohibition, olives were a garnish of choice for a Manhattan. Want to make your own? here’s how:

•  2 oz GEORGE REMUS Bourbon
•  1 oz Dry Vermouth
•  Dash of Bitters
Shake with ice and strain into chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an olive and a lemon twist.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 24/25

Which ingredient isn’t in a Prohibition-Era Old-Fashioned?

Call us old-fashioned, but vermouth has no place in a Prohibition-Era Remus Old-Fashioned. If you want to make your own, here’s how:

•  1.5 oz. GEORGE REMUS Bourbon
•  2 dashes Angostura Bitters
•  1 Sugar Cube
•  1 tsp Water
Muddle sugar cube with water. Add Angostura bitters until the sugar dissolves. Add GEORGE REMUS Bourbon. Stir briefly, then add ice. Squeeze a small slice of lemon, drop in and enjoy.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie
Part I

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Question 25/25

Which ingredient isn’t in a George Remus Prohibition-Era Mint Julep?

Mint Juleps might have been a popular choice at King George’s parties, but using grenadine for the recipe wasn’t. Want to make your own? Here’s how:
•  2 oz GEORGE REMUS Bourbon
•  .25 oz Raw Sugar Syrup
•  8 Mint Leaves
Muddle the mint and syrup. Add GEORGE REMUS Bourbon. Garnish with 1 mint sprig.

George Remus
Two Truths & a Lie


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